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Welcome to the home of TLA (Train Like an Athlete).
My name is Rachel Moan and I started TLA with the really simply intention of changing the world (true story).
I want to give people the tools in performance that the most successful people in the world use so that they can be the very best versions of themselves.
This isn't about money, cars or instagram fame - it's about happiness, creating a life on your own terms, reaching your ultimate potential, being proud of yourself and inspiring others.
You can read more about my journey here.
Peak performance and mental training is something that not everyone understands as it's not something that you come across every day. We're trying to change that.
So here's a few things for you to check out about performance psychology and to follow our journey:
1. What is performance coaching?
We get asked this so often that we created a book all about it. Just subscribe to our mailing list and we will send a free ebook all about what it is and how it can help you to your inbox.
Are you an entrepreneur? We even have a special section for you about how we can support you right here.
2. Get ahead of the game with these posts:
- 'My Story of Anxiety' by the BBC's Nicola Golding
- Energy - the Driving Force Behind You
- Why I do the Yoga Thing - a Rebels Guide to Yoga
- How to Stay Sane When You Are Incredibly Busy
3. Connect with me on social media
Come and say Hi!