So we've already looked at the psychological 'hit' of being shafted, made redundancy and generally feeling like life is completely against you. Next, we have to do something about it, whether that's finding a way to be great again, whole again or just finding a reason to get up in the morning.
So we know that you work hard. You may work incredibly hard. But I'm sure you know that unless you have a huge team of people to help you with absolutely everything, that to do list and endless list of projects doesn't get any smaller. Athletes are constantly busy and before securing sponsorship deals, many will have part time jobs to fund their training and competitions.
Hello everyone, I'm Nicola Golding, a disability and mental health blogger and vlogger. You might have recently seen me taking part in BBC Two's second series of Employable Me, raising awareness about the issues disabled people face finding employment.
Like many people who managed to still breathe around 2007-2012 and even now, we lived through the recession. We still bear the scars of barely surviving - only to find that post-recession is pretty damn hard too. Yet for others, the recession and people loosing their jobs seems to be an urban myth.
At New Year, people make resolutions to improve their life, that of others and sometimes plans to take over the world. But why should they just be for New Year? Apparently, one of the most popular self-help topics is centred around how to make a fresh start. We can make that a lot easier for you – we can do that every day – probably even more often than just once a day.