So we've already looked at the psychological 'hit' of being shafted, made redundancy and generally feeling like life is completely against you. Next, we have to do something about it, whether that's finding a way to be great again, whole again or just finding a reason to get up in the morning.
Tweeting, texting, status-updating is rapidly permeating our daily, or rather #instadaily, routines. In fact, you may feel at a loss without it, with research reporting the average British adult spends more time using technology than sleeping. Of course I am guilty of this, but what if we put away the screen for a while and head outside?
For musicians, from those trying to make it every day to those who are highly successful, the journey can be very difficult. Even when musicians make it to the top, their own personal struggles and creative challenges faced can have serious effects on their mental and physical health.
Hello everyone, I'm Nicola Golding, a disability and mental health blogger and vlogger. You might have recently seen me taking part in BBC Two's second series of Employable Me, raising awareness about the issues disabled people face finding employment.
At TLA we're big on healthy eating not just to stay fit and feel like the best version of ourselves but also because eating healthy and exercising helps us to perform at our best mentally.Personally, I haven't been a big user of vitamin and mineral supplements before - half because I don't like swallowing tablets and half because I didn't quite believe they would work.
Like many people, I adore Stanger Things and all the characters, music and merchandise that comes with it. Like everyone else, I too have experienced Lockdown. Whilst I was watching Season 1 of Stranger Things again for love, normality and great music, I realised something. Stranger Things gives an insight into the kind of things we are dealing with in lockdown…
How we cope with stress, anxiety, fatigue and general goodness and badness depends to a big extent on the individual. If you’re like us, you rest very little (at least you don’t think you have time to) and are on the go constantly.So how do we cope and thrive?
Turn and run – because those negative thoughts (the macaques) will be back soon enough at the most inconvenient times, when they really aren’t helpful. They will drain you, scare the hell out of you and freeze you on the spot. They also break into your rooms, drinks the beers, pee on your stuff and eat your medication.
Getting married is an exciting time with lots of lovely things, happy faces, spending more time with loved ones and generally getting to have some really fun times.We hear that organising and planning a wedding can be stressful – in fact it’s often included as one of the most stressful events in someone’s life.