So we've already looked at the psychological 'hit' of being shafted, made redundancy and generally feeling like life is completely against you. Next, we have to do something about it, whether that's finding a way to be great again, whole again or just finding a reason to get up in the morning.
Sleep is an understated necessity. The world's greatest champions live and breathe their sport seven days a week, 365 days a year. Yet it may surprise you that sleep plays a hugely significant role in the life of an athlete, both for rest and recuperation and athletic performance and competitive results
When we revise for exams or tests, we may have systems we’ve already built for ourselves to store information in our minds to access at a later date. But we can widen this application by using it to prepare for meetings, speeches or any kinds of events which require a recall of specific information and/or knowledge.
There are many people who say that creativity is central to business. In how we work, our surroundings, how we approach clients, marketing and advertising strategies and how leaders approach their teams. As such, what is creativity in business without revolution?
There is something incredible special in Borneo about being so close to nature. Even though we're huge nature and wildlife enthusiasts, there's something very unique and special about being surrounded by wildlife constantly. Seeing, smelling and hearing them. It's also how we believe the world should function.
Tweeting, texting, status-updating is rapidly permeating our daily, or rather #instadaily, routines. In fact, you may feel at a loss without it, with research reporting the average British adult spends more time using technology than sleeping. Of course I am guilty of this, but what if we put away the screen for a while and head outside?
For musicians, from those trying to make it every day to those who are highly successful, the journey can be very difficult. Even when musicians make it to the top, their own personal struggles and creative challenges faced can have serious effects on their mental and physical health.
So we know that you work hard. You may work incredibly hard. But I'm sure you know that unless you have a huge team of people to help you with absolutely everything, that to do list and endless list of projects doesn't get any smaller. Athletes are constantly busy and before securing sponsorship deals, many will have part time jobs to fund their training and competitions.
In the world of working for someone else, it's true that anything can happen. Sometimes there can be opportunities and we can feel on top of the world. Other times, it seems like a never ending hamster wheel that you just can't get off. We work with professionals to not only make them more effective and productive in their roles and future positions but also to identify their passions and increase creativity...leading to work that they are truly interested in pursuing.
Focus is such a huge part of everything we need to do and a fundamental part of performance coaching. Without focus, either we can't do what we have to do/want to or it will take 10 times longer. For athletes, it's one of the main skills they need to learn and apply every day of the week.
How to deal with the bad as well as the good is such a huge part of everything we need to do and a fundamental part of performance coaching. We can't have good times and good days all the time and a key skill is learning how to deal with negative emotions and to keep pushing forwards.